Thursday, April 21, 2011

There's a Sucker Born Every Minute

So hungover! I had two blogs half done. One about the change in hostel life in the last few years because of new technologies and the other about my own personal theory of time...  I’m going to save those for the next few days. Right now, it’s time to turn my sights to something more interesting – sex, hooking up, and a skank competition I just heard about this week.  

     This story can’t begin without a brief description of my closest mate here. Won’t use his name, but the guy is a lady’s man like I’ve never seen before. He’s getting girls, and LOTS of girls, the right way... by being open, having the look they love, and making them choose him. I’ve never, and I’ve been around a lot of guys who talk up how great they are with the ladies, seen someone pull so effortlessly. It’s both interesting and a little annoying, as I have to work so much harder... :P Really though his style is a nice contrast to the Irish and English aggressive style I saw when I lived in Australia. That style basically involved pushing a girl to her limits of saying no – with the hope that by being aggressive she won’t. This is generally an approach that works best with girls with low self esteem. And you wonder why woman often don’t trust men.  But then again... here in Copenhagen women are much more sexually liberated and that trust game can very well go the other way too.

    I had to laugh when the mate I just mentioned told me about a girl he had hooked up with talking about going through what she called – her skanky period. She told him how a friend and her had decided to try to find themselves... via, plenty of cock! They created a scoring system in order to determine who the biggest skank of the two is; a system that apparently works by a combination of the status of the guy they sleep with and the things he does to them.  So the laugh came when my friend noticed that she all of a sudden, after adding to her score with him, was listed a couple days later as being in a relationship. The two of us collectively scratched our heads. When he talked to her online later, it turned out she had been with the same guy for five years. They were just on a break the last few months. I wondered to myself, what he would think of how she used her break from him...? :P Makes me think of the famous PT Barnum quote: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” All the same, kind of have to admire her honesty not only to experiment that way, but talk so candidly about it. Most girls would lie about that till their death bed. So for some last comic relief last night partying with two black reggae guys, the first words out of their mouths when they heard about the competition: “Give her my number!”

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